Thursday, 14 March 2013



5. Active Listening - Ability to focus completely on what the client is saying and is not saying, to understand the meaning of what is said in the context of the client's desires, and to support client self-expression.Attends to the client and the client's agenda, and not to the coach's agenda for the client,Hears the client's concerns, goals, values and beliefs about what is and is not possible, Distinguishes between the words, the tone of voice, and the body language, Summarizes, paraphrases, reiterates, mirrors back what client has said to ensure clarity and understanding, Encourages, accepts, explores and reinforces the client's expression of feelings, perceptions, concerns, beliefs, suggestions, etc., Integrates and builds on client's ideas and suggestions, "Bottom-lines" or understands the essence of the client's communication and helps the client get there rather than engaging in long descriptive stories, Allows the client to vent or "clear" the situation without judgment or attachment in order to move on to next steps.

6. Powerful Questioning - Ability to ask questions that reveal the information needed for maximum benefit to the coaching relationship and the client.Asks questions that reflect active listening and an understanding of the client's perspective,Asks questions that evoke discovery, insight, commitment or action (e.g., those that challenge the client's assumptions), Asks open-ended questions that create greater clarity, possibility or new learning Asks questions that move the client towards what they desire, not questions that ask for the client to justify or look backwards.

7. Direct Communication - Ability to communicate effectively during coaching sessions, and to use language that has the greatest positive impact on the client.Is clear, articulate and direct in sharing and providing feedback,Reframes and articulates to help the client understand from another perspective what he/she wants or is uncertain about, Clearly states coaching objectives, meeting agenda, purpose of techniques or exercises, Uses language appropriate and respectful to the client (e.g., non-sexist, non-racist, non-technical, non-jargon), Uses metaphor and analogy to help to illustrate a point or paint a verbal picture.
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3. Establishing Trust and Intimacy with the Client - Ability to create a safe, supportive environment that produces ongoing mutual respect and trust.Shows genuine concern for the client's welfare and future,Continuously demonstrates personal integrity, honesty and sincerity, Establishes clear agreements and keeps promises,Demonstrates respect for client's perceptions, learning style, personal being, Provides ongoing support for and champions new behaviors and actions, including those involving risk taking and fear of failure, Asks permission to coach client in sensitive, new areas.

4. Coaching Presence - Ability to be fully conscious and create spontaneous relationship with the client, employing a style that is open, flexible and confident.Is present and flexible during the coaching process, dancing in the moment,Accesses own intuition and trusts one's inner knowing - "goes with the gut", Is open to not knowing and takes risks, Sees many ways to work with the client, and chooses in the momentwhat is most effective, Uses humor effectively to create lightness and energy, Confidently shifts perspectives and experiments with new possibilities for own action, Demonstrates confidence in working with strong emotions, and can self-manage and not be overpowered or enmeshed by client's emotions.

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1. Positoning (Establish Rules of The Game) - Getting in common understanding of what will be done during the coaching goes ahead, it would be very helpful to both parties, both Coach and client. Needed an explanation of what will be done by a coach, understanding of coaching ethics and standards and ability to apply them appropriately in all coaching situations. Understands and exhibits in own behaviors the ICF Standards of Conduct (see list, Part III of ICF Code of Ethics), Understands and follows all ICF Ethical Guidelines (see list),Clearly communicates the distinctions between coaching, consulting, psychotherapy and other support professions,Refers client to another support professional as needed, knowing when this is needed and the available resources.

2. Establishing the Coaching Agreement - Ability to understand what is required in the specific coaching interaction and to come to agreement with the prospective and new client about the coaching process and relationship.Understands and effectively discusses with the client the guidelines and specific parameters of the coaching relationship (e.g., logistics, fees, scheduling, inclusion of others if appropriate),Reaches agreement about what is appropriate in the relationship and what is not, what is and is not being offered, and about the client's and coach's responsibilities,Determines whether there is an effective match between his/her coaching method and the needs of the prospective client.

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What is Franchising ?

So what is franchising ? Does a succinct definition exist ?
A Franchise can be defined as:
  • Authorization given to somebody to sell or distribute a company's goods or services in aparticular area.
  • A business or group of businesses set up or operated specifically in accordance with an authorization.
  • The territory or the limits within which the right to operate a business exist.
  • A professional sport team
Franchising is not a business itself, but a way of doing business. It is essentially a marketing cincept-an innovative method of distributing goods and servicces. It is also an extremely successful and rapidly growing aspect of the small business sector of many countries. Franchising can be used to describe a number of business models, the most common being business format franchising. But there are other models that are also dependent on franchise relationships. These include:
1. Manufacture-Retailer : Where the retailer as a franchisee sells the franchisor's product directly to the public, such as new motor vehicle dealership.
2.Manufacture-Wholesaler : where the franchisee, under licence, manufactures and distributes the franchisor's product, such as in soft drink bottling arragements.
3.Wholesales-Retail : where the retailer as a franchisee purchases products for retail sale from a franchisor wholesaler, such as in hardware and outomotive product stores.
4. Retailer-Retailer : where the franchisor markets a service or a product under a common name and standarized throught a network of franchisees. This is the classic business format franchise.

Brad Sugar

cara cara usaha mengadakan seminar

Biasanya disebut event organiser, penyelenggara seminar training seminar ataupun workshop. Peminat lumayan banyak, motif mengikuti seminar adalah menambah wawasan dan input pengetahuan baru baik itu dari pemakalah/pembicara maupun dari sesama peserta yang lain, juga karena banyak diantara peminat dan workshop yang membutuhkan sertifikat sebagai prasarat kenaikan jabatan

Oleh karena itu, banyak bermunculan EO yang memfokuskan diri pada even semacam seminar, training, hingga workshop. Tema bisa dibuat semenarik mungkin sehingga bisa mengundang banyak peserta. Perkiraan modal untuk membuat acara seminar Rp 10 juta - Rp 60 juta. Modal dibutuhkan untuk mendanai berbagai macam pos.Untuk EO seminar dan workshop sebagian digunakan untuk pengadaan peralatan dan properti mulai dari unit komputer/laptop, proyektor slider/viewer, screen, laptop, kamera foto/handycam dan lainnya. Meskipun demikian alat-alat tersebut bisa diakses dengan cara menyewa, sehingga modal bisa ditekan menjadi minimal. Pengeluaran lainnya adalah untuk mengurus sewa tempat untuk menggelar acara, honorarium pembicara, hingga konsumsi untuk peserta. Hal itu tidak akan jadi sebuah biaya bila menggunakan sponsor, sehingga semua biaya penyelenggara sudah jelas-jelas ditanggung sponsor.

Kiat-kiat usaha untuk memangkas besarnya modal awal, kita tidak harus menyewa ruang usaha untuk dijadikan kantor atau sekretariat tetap. Untuk rapat koordinasi, bisa dimanfaatkan rumah salah satu teman, dikampus, diperpustakaan umum, kan gratis, atau bisa di mall, semua bisa dilakukan asalkan privasi tim EOmu tetap terjaga. Beberapa properti bisa diakses dengan cara menyewa tanpa harus membelinya terlebih dahulu.

Dengan semakin banyaknya even serupa (dari seminar maupun workshop), mau tidak mau harus pintar-pintar membuat terobosan tema even. Bidiklah tema-tema yang sedang hangat misalnya bisnis yang sedang booming, atau bisa juga tema-tema yang sedikit kontroversial dengan motif untuk lebih banyak menjaring peserta dan sponsorship yang masuk.

Untuk menarik orang mengikuti seminar atau workshop yang kita gelar, buatlah harga kontribusi peserta menjadi sedikit murah. Kita bisa menutup biaya produksi dan meraih pendapatan dengan mencari sponsorship yang bonafit dan berkelas yang mau mengucurkan dana besar bagi EO-mu. Anggap saja tiket/kontribusi peserta hanyalah sekedar bonus saja. Selain itu, salah satu kiat jitu untuk menarik peserta adalah dengan pengadaan sertifikat. Setiap peserta yang mengikuti jalannya acara dari awal sampe akhir akan mendapatkan sertifikat sebagai bukti keikutsertaannya. Banyak yang membutuhkan sertifikat semacam ini, terutama mereka yang melihat relevansi acara yang digelar dengan kompetensi mereka. Sertifikat tersebut akan menjadi credit point untuk naik jabatan, sertifikasi, atau bahkan beberapa kampus menerapkan syarat kelulusan berupa sertifikat bukti keikutsertaan pada seminar atau pelatihan, dengan jumlah tertentu.

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